Thursday, April 9, 2009


I have had the privilege of keeping our church's blog for the SERVOLUTION updated, and the experience has been INCREDIBLE! Just seeing the Church be the Church is so encouraging and inspiring. I am both moved to tears and extremely proud of our congregation when I see the pictures and hear the testimonies. You definitely want to check out!

My thoughts from the past 5 days of SERVOLUTION:

nice shirts!

it is so refreshing for the Church to stop talking about how great it is to serve and to actually start doing it - I know Jesus is so pleased with His bride right now!

Dino Rizzo is the MAN! Thank you for the inspiration that has launched this revolution of service. And thank you for all the faithful years HPC modeled this before you wrote the book!

there is nothing better than seeing a little child serve an elderly person and watching both of their faces light up!

it truly is more blessed to give than receive and you clearly can not outgive God - what a blessing SERVOLUTION has been to churches and communities around the globe!

how do we keep this going? we should start a campaign called "capture the servo mo" (as in, "SERVOlution MOmentum")

an excellent debrief to all of these outreaches and the organizational process behind them is essential to keep this from simply becoming a "great week of service" - it needs to become so much more than that!

Let me know your thoughts as you have experienced the SERVOLUTION:

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