Wednesday, December 10, 2008

a shout of praise

i want to take this space and time to declare a public praise to God for His faithfulness with our oldest son, Zachary (aka SuperZach). since he was diagnosed with asperger's syndrome a couple years ago, we have been battling the school system for appropriate support and services, seeking every form of recommended therapy (speech, occupational, physical, more speech, social, friendship groups, behavioral managment, dietary supplements and more), advocating with all of our hearts for his best interest, and praying without ceasing... and it has not been in vain.

i declare that God is faithful and He is able to accomplish that which man has said is impossible! today, Zachary still has the symptoms of asperger's and we are all learning to accept the realities that brings, but he has also recieved some incredible super-natural favor!

as of this monday, he is now in a first grade class with a teacher who loves him, understands him, is willing to work within his framework of learning and is willing to partner with us in the process. this is quite a change from a rigid and overly strict teacher who showed little compassion or ability to be flexible with Zachary's learning methods and showed no interest in collaborating with us. this is in a school system where changes like this don't happen, where the administration clearly told us it would not and could not happen. then God inserted one of His own into the administration as an agent on special assignment - an interim principal that is a dedicated member of our church and servant of God! in the 3 months that she was there, she was able to encourage this change to be made and we give God all the glory (and give her a lot of love and hugs)!

so when your situation seems impossible. when the odds are stacked against you. when everyone that is responsible for making decisions says "no" and only offers resistance. when you are just about to lose it because you have prayed the same fervent prayer for the 1,oooth time. keep pressing in and pressing on.

if we will ENDURE then God is faithful to answer our prayers and to give us the desires of our heart. we have grown in the process. we are not finished here and God is not finished with any of us, but today i pause to give Him the glory and honor that He alone deserves!

our God is faithful and He is able. don't you ever doubt that. the same God who parted seas, resurrected the dead, healed the lame and blind, fed thousands with a few pieces of bread and fish ...that same God is at work in our lives today. and if you will continually seek Him He will do incredible, amazing, impossible, miraculous things in your life as well. be encouraged that God works all things together for good for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose!

if you need some practical guidance on enduring through difficult times, check out the series on endure called Built To Last

1 comment:

Pchanner said...

Will that is a touching and inspiring post. Chris and I will forever keep your family in our prayers. I am glad I found your blog and I will be following it from now.

By the way, you have been tagged. See my post at